Facebook Update: July 9, 2018
Ed Harowicz reporting for week 4 of chemo/radiation. I've been wearing bright colors and clothes that make me happy to my treatments - this was today's wardrobe. I can't see you all but I brought you all with me today. I miss my Woodland Park Players peeps and all my friends.

Facebook Update: July 11, 2018
Thankful for this guy, for my awesome hilarious boys, for summer and sunshine, for the love we receive daily, for supportive bosses and coworkers, for doctors and nurses that have smiles on their faces and make scary appointments less scary, for fresh air and open windows and doors, for laughter, for all the meals and cards and support, for friends and family near and far, for special visits, for surprise flowers, for little moments that are big, for time. This is what I focus on. One day at a time.

Facebook Update: July 24, 2018
It’s been two months since our little life was flipped upside down. We still have moments where this feels like it can’t be real. It’s a daily struggle. But we’re navigating this new reality with as much hope and positive energy as we can, with the help of our faith, and our loving village of friends and family.
Thank you for the continued love, messages, hugs, meals, cards, everything... it fills us up.
I love this guy so much... it breaks my heart to see how this is taking a toll on him, it’s not fair. But Ed is amazing and strong and I’m in awe of him. He’s down to his last seven days of radiation and chemo for this round of treatment then he’ll get August to heal before his next treatment begins. Still one day at a time.

Facebook Update: July 24, 2018
Big day today. This guy just had his last radiation treatment. Six weeks, 30 radiation treatments to his head, and 42 chemo pills later. It’s taken a physical and mental toll so we’re happy to have August as a break before another round of chemo starts in September. We wish this journey ended today, we’d like to get off this roller coaster ride, but we know that’s not the case. We’ll continue to ride the highs and lows and stay as hopeful as we can, crying and laughing one day at a time.